Tuesday 18 November 2014

She used to be my friend

Ya so we grew up together..our parents were working together, we went to the same church. She knew me inside and out because we went to the same school.she knew the boys I had a crush on, the teachers I fantasized about, my crazy dreams, the people I fell in love with, the people I hated, the people and things I feared, my weaknesses , my faults..and she was my FRIEND untill some one better came along..she took her to our favorite eating places, took her to the movies we watched together, gave her the bracelet I made for her in 5th grade.slowly by slowly we drifted apart, stopped texting each other, stopped calling each other and now we are strangers who happen to live in the same environment, smile when we meet each other on the way n I sometimes wonder, does she remember the good times..but life moves on and I moved on too though not so sure because miss her, she was my friend, my sister from another mother, my best friend and I will forever treasure her.. she was my friend and the connection I had with her...will never get it with any one else.